Generate Vittiya Commercial Limited Logo

Generate Vittiya Commercial Limited - Uttar Pradesh


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Generate Vittiya Commercial Limited

About Company

Generate Vittiya Commercial Limited

Generate Vittiya Commercial Limited is a Public Company Registered in Uttar Pradesh. Its Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U65910UP1996PLC021179. This Company is a Non-govt company. Its Office is located at PARSIPURBHADOHI BHADOHI UTTAR PRADESH UP IN 000000 and you can also contact the company by its email id na. Currently Company is in Under Process of Striking off status. As per the RoC information This company is registed on 26-12-1996 and Company limited by Shares. This company was established in 1996 year and is now 29+ years aged company.

Business InformationActivity Category

Business Information of Generate Vittiya Commercial Limited

Business Information

Business Activity : Financial leasing [Operational leasing is classified in division 71]
Paidup Capital : ₹ 7,000
Authorized Capital: ₹ 1,00,000

Important InformationCompany Details

Important Info about Generate Vittiya Commercial Limited

Company Name : Generate Vittiya Commercial Limited
Registration Number : 021179
Company Status : Under Process of Striking off
Company Class : Public
Company Cateogory : Company limited by Shares
Whether Listed or not : Unlisted
Sub Category : Non-govt company
Registration Date :26 Dec 1996
Registered State : Uttar Pradesh
Compnay CIN : U65910UP1996PLC021179
ROC Office : RoC-Kanpur