Nexobeam Infosystems Private Limited Logo

Nexobeam Infosystems Private Limited - Madhya Pradesh

Business Services

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Nexobeam Infosystems Private Limited

About Company

Nexobeam Infosystems Private Limited

Nexobeam Infosystems Private Limited is a Private Company Registered in Madhya Pradesh. Its Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U72900MP2014PTC032343. This Company is a Non-govt company. Its Office is located at Flat No. 103, 260, Usha Nagar Extn. INDORE Indore MP IN 452009 and you can also contact the company by its email id [email protected]. Currently Company is in Active status. As per the RoC information This company is registed on 07-02-2014 and Company limited by Shares. This company was established in 2014 year and is now 11+ years aged company.

Business InformationActivity Category

Business Information of Nexobeam Infosystems Private Limited

Business Information

Business Activity : Other computer related activities [for example maintenance of websites of other firms/ creation of multimedia presentations for other firms etc.]
Paidup Capital : ₹ 1,00,000
Authorized Capital: ₹ 1,00,000

Important InformationCompany Details

Important Info about Nexobeam Infosystems Private Limited

Company Name : Nexobeam Infosystems Private Limited
Registration Number : 032343
Company Status : Active
Company Class : Private
Company Cateogory : Company limited by Shares
Whether Listed or not : Unlisted
Sub Category : Non-govt company
Registration Date :07 Feb 2014
Registered State : Madhya Pradesh
Compnay CIN : U72900MP2014PTC032343
ROC Office : RoC-Gwalior