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Alor Disha Mahila Hasto Silpa Producer C Ompany Limited is a Private Company Registered in West Bengal. Its Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U96000WB2014PTC204621. This Company is a Non-govt company. Its Office is located at 57/A,GURUPADA HALDER ROAD KALIGHAT KOLKATA Kolkata WB IN 700026 and you can also contact the company by its email id [email protected]. Currently Company is in Strike Off status. As per the RoC information This company is registed on 23-12-2014 and Company limited by Shares. This company was established in 2014 year and is now 11+ years aged company.
Business InformationActivity Category
Business Activity : Undifferenciated goods-producing activities of private households for own use. [Includes the undifferenciated households, that is the activities of households, that are engaged in a variety of activities that produce goods for their own subsistence. These activities include hunting and gathering, farming, the production of shelter and clothing and other goods produced by the household for its own subsistence. In application, if household are also engaged in the production of marketed goods, they are classified to the appropriate goods-producing industries of ISIC. If they are principally engaged in a specific goods-producing subsistence activity, they are classified to the appropriate goods-producing industry of NIC}
Paidup Capital : ₹ 1,00,000
Authorized Capital: ₹ 5,00,000
Important InformationCompany Details
Company Name : | Alor Disha Mahila Hasto Silpa Producer C Ompany Limited |
Registration Number : | 204621 |
Company Status : | Strike Off |
Company Class : | Private |
Company Cateogory : | Company limited by Shares |
Whether Listed or not : | Unlisted |
Sub Category : | Non-govt company |
Registration Date : | 23 Dec 2014 |
Registered State : | West Bengal |
Compnay CIN : | U96000WB2014PTC204621 |
ROC Office : | RoC-Kolkata |