List of Registered Companies in Sirmour - Himachal

All companies listed here are registerd under MCA which regulates corporate affairs in India through the Companies Act, 1956, 2013 and other allied Acts, Bills and Rules. These compnaies are established in Sirmour (Himachal) and registered under The RoC- Himachal Pradesh - Chandigarh. Here is a list of companies registered in RoC - Himachal from this districts of Himachal. All the companies are under diffrent status like Active Amalgamated, Under liquidation, Not Available for eFiling, Converted to LLP, Strike Off, Under Process of Striking off, Dormant, Converted to LLP and dissolved, Dormant under section 455 and Dissolved.
This list contains companies from Public Sector as well as Private Sectors Some compaies Company limited by Shares and some are Unlimited Company and some can be Company Limited by Guarantee. Here you can click on the company to see the details of the company which belongs to the Sirmour district.

Sirmour DistrictRegistered Companies List

S.No. List of the Registered Company